On June 10, the elections for the European Parliament concluded. This parliament is the second largest in the world in terms of its size, with 705 representatives elected from 28 Union states, representing 448 million citizens, in elections that lasted four days. It is the only legislative body of the Union where representatives are elected in direct elections. Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and Poland have the largest representation in the parliament. Since 2022, the President of the Parliament has been Roberta Metsola from Malta.
Close to 200 million Europeans, constituting 51% of eligible voters in the European Union, voted during the four-day election period. The election results clearly indicate that Europe is shifting to the right. In the five largest countries, the right-wing was declared the clear winner of the elections, as many European residents voted for right-wing parties following the immigration crisis that has affected the continent.
Descendants of immigrants remain estranged in their new homelands
Over thirteen hundred years have passed since the heirs of Muhammad departed from the Arabian Peninsula and spread Islam forcefully with the sword. In 661 AD, the Muslim commander Akhbar ibn Nafi stated, “O Great Sea, if you were not there, we would not have been prevented from spreading the Prophet’s religion.” Indeed, were it not for Charles Martel, known as Charles the Hammer, stopping the Muslim armies at the Battle of Poitiers in France in the mid-eighth century, it is likely that the Muslims would have conquered all of Europe.
However, the sword that halted the spread of Islam into the heartlands of Europe in the eighth century was replaced in the twentieth century by a policy of convenience and tolerance towards Muslim immigrants.
In the name of multiculturalism, aging, wealthy, and indulgent Europe opened its gates to labor migrants from North Africa, India, Pakistan, and the Middle East. Europeans sought cheap labor to replace themselves in factories, but when these migrants arrived, they ended up sowing the wind and reaping the whirlwind.
Over the past two decades, we have witnessed violent outbreaks from their descendants, who physically immigrated to Europe but many of whom remained culturally estranged in their new homeland. Instead of assimilating into the local culture, they desired to assert dominance over it. Due to their lack of interest in European hedonism, their descendants isolated themselves in their neighborhoods, clung to their original culture, and even embraced violent and fundamentalist Islam.
Aspiring to Restore the Islamic Caliphate
Dr. Yunes al-Astal, one of the spiritual leaders of Hamas, a resident of Khan Yunis, explained the unifying ideology of these fundamentalist movements worldwide—from Indonesia to the United States and from France to Australia: “Muslims are ‘the chosen people’ by Allah and they will conquer the capitals of the entire world through persuasion (dawa) and military force… Islamic conquests will spread across the length and breadth of Europe, and then towards North and South America and even Eastern Europe. Our children and grandchildren will inherit our jihad and become the leaders of Islamic conquests.”
Since the Iron Sword War broke out, we have been exposed to the violent fruits of this murderous ideology. It is worth mentioning the nearly two hundred victims who paid the price in the terrorist attacks that occurred over the previous decade in Paris. A decade ago, Europe still did not realize that the desire to live and integrate into French society was not found among these murders, the messengers of death and loss. They operate according to the verse from the Quran: “Do not count the dead as dead for the sake of Allah, heaven forbid, they live with their rulers and receive their reward.”
Members of Daesh and Al-Qaeda and other members of murderous movements, such as Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Boko Haram, the Houthis, Ansar Allah, and Hezbollah, see Spain as Palestine; Sicily, Romania, Greece, and southern France as part of the Islamic world, and aim to revive the Islamic caliphates in them. All of them had a period when they were ruled by Muslims, so from their perspective, it is about restoring these lands to their bosom.
“Only Allah’s guidance is the true guidance”
However – and this is a critical element of the ideology – Dar al-Islam (the House of Islam) is not simply the countries where Muslims ruled, but also where they are the majority. Therefore, many migrants converge on Europe’s doors – with some seeking refuge from existing hardships, some pursuing normal lives – with many new migrants aiming to assert the extreme face of Islam across the continent.
Moreover, they believe that until the Day of Resurrection, according to Muhammad’s prophecy, Islam’s precepts will reach every corner of the world—whether by persuasion or by the sword. Europe hosts about fifty million Muslims, most of whom are estranged from the failing, doomed European culture.
The war waged by these extremists against Western Judeo-Christian culture is deeply rooted in Quranic verses: “The Jews and Christians will not be pleased with you until you follow their religion. Say: ‘Only Allah’s guidance is the true guidance.'” (Al-Baqarah, 120). “O you who believe! Do not take Jews and Christians as friends; they are only friends of each other. Whoever of you takes them as friends is one of them. Indeed, Allah does not guide the wrong-doing people.” (Al-Ma’idah, 51).
Is the European Parliament election a first sign of Europe’s awakening?
These bloodthirsty individuals claim they follow the path of Prophet Muhammad with the goal of asserting their religion over others in four stages: First, they migrate to places where they can consolidate without interference. Second, they affirm their power through internal indoctrination and the strengthening of “pure faith.” Third, they prepare for combat while fortifying their communities and infiltrating the enemy’s camp. Finally, they attack the enemy with determination and intensity on multiple fronts from within.
Migration, harsh living conditions, and even death do not deter them, relying on the scripture: “As for those who migrated for the sake of Allah and then were killed or died, Allah will surely grant them good provision. And indeed, Allah is the best of providers and He will admit them to a place of satisfaction, for Allah is Knowing and Forbearing.” (Al-Hajj, 58-59).
In their view, it is impossible to appease the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) unless Muslims abandon Islam and convert to their faith. It is impossible to reconcile “people of faith” (Muslims) with “people of disbelief” (Christians and Jews), not only because they are “incessant arguers” and “war traders,” but because Allah has decreed that truth and falsehood must always struggle until truth prevails. And the victory of truth is the conversion of the entire world to Islam.
The Western world refuses to listen and believe what is explicitly stated by its new residents, hence European states do not see the need for active defense, let alone preemptive war declared against those who see them as enemies and target them for conquest.
The attacks in France are the first signs of the devil’s emissaries. With the dissemination of propaganda in mosques, the internet, social media, and YouTube videos, they can reach every “oppressed land” and incite others to join terrorist missions on the path to establishing the true faith over the disbelievers.
Are the results of the European Parliament elections a first sign of Europe’s awakening?